See you at the Bee Tree!

Bee City Canada Approved and Newmarket is now the 14th Bee City in Canada as of this past Monday, May 7th, 2018.  Thanks to Council for the resolution and staff in Public Works - Parks Services and our Corporate Communications for putting together the application. 

Last summer our Manager of Parks Public Works Services Jeff Bond answered the “Buzz of the bee’s” by protecting their home, a maple tree in North Summerhills Jim Bond Park.  Since then the Buzz has been to protect our honey’s bees here in Newmarket are beyond. 

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Earlier this year Bee City came to town to pay us a visit to ask if we would consider becoming a Bee City.  Shelly Candel addressed the Committee on behalf of Bee City Canada and provided an overview of the Bee City Canada program including the action plan, the importance of education and proclaiming June 18-24 as International Pollinator Week.
Moved by: Councillor Twinney, all members of council passed a resolution and our Public Works, Parks Service and Corporate Communications got to work on the application.

Today I am happy to report the words of Shelly Candel Director, Bee City Canada…  “After carefully reading over the application and the signed resolution, we declare the Town of Newmarket to be the 14th Bee City in Canada!  Congratulations Newmarket!”

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Those who live in the Jim Bond Park Community can take even more pride in the saying “see you at the bee tree”.

By working together, sharing information, ideas and being engaged in our community, we can achieve results for Ward 6 together. 

To learn more about Bee City BEE visit  

Facebook: BeeCityCanada  Twitter: @BeeCityCanada

#beecity #Canada #pollinators #sustainability#communitysafety #safeneighborhoods